(雅昌艺术网讯 本网记者) “什么是物派”展览将首次向中国观众介绍东京画廊支持多年的物派艺术家。北京东京艺术工程的这一次展示,目的是思考“物派”这个术语的意义,它将诸多物派经典代表艺术家的现成作品或者复制的旧作汇聚一堂,这些代表包括了:李禹焕 、关根伸夫、 小清水渐、菅木志雄、榎仓康二、吉田克朗、成田克彦、高松次郎。在BTAP之蟹岛第二会场还将展出受到物派思潮影响的中国艺术家如隋建国、施慧、朱金石的作品。另外,中原佑介(日本)、黄笃(中国)、Simon Groom(英国)和Charles Merewether(美国)四位在国际上十分活跃的艺术评论家和策展人已为这一次展览图册撰文。 “物派”艺术在六十年代末七十年代初期间达到了高峰,这是一群试图挑战对物质材料与空间的既有感知的艺术家。Mono-ha 这个词的起源已经难以追溯了;尽管可以勉强地译为“物派”,但是“物派”艺术家的作品毋宁说是关于空间,关于空间中那些“物体”与“物体”本身之间互相依赖的关系的。他们采用了诸如泥土、水、木材、金属、棉布、纸张、石头和镜片的物质材料,将这些自然和人工的材料并置在一起——尽可能地让它们保留在一种未经改变的状态中 ——这样物质本身得以言说自身,几乎完全排除了人为的干预。通过这个过程,物派艺术家有意摒弃了“创造”物体,而代之以“重新安置” “物体”,使其成为艺术品,让人们关注物体、空间和观者之间的复杂关系。
This exhibition, What is Mono-ha? is the first of its kind to introduce to a Chinese audience the work of the Mono-ha artists that Tokyo Gallery has been supporting for so many years. Tokyo Gallery+BTAP's show aims to consider the meaning of the term Mono-ha and brings together pre-existing and remade works by the principal members of Mono-ha: Lee Ufan, Nobuo Sekine, Koji Enokura, Susumu Koshimizu, Kishio Suga, Katsuro Yoshida, Katsuhiko Narita and Jiro Takamatsu.
Furthermore, at BTAP Annex in the Xiedao area, there will be a display of works by Chinese artists who have been influenced by Mono-ha, such as Sui Jianguo, Shi Hui and Zhu Jinshi . Four internationally active art critics and curators, Yusuke Nakahara (Japan), Huang Du (China), Simon Groom (England) and Charles Merewether (America) have written essays for the exhibition catalogue.
Most active between the late sixties and early seventies, Mono-ha was a group of artists who sought to challenge pre-existing perceptions of material and space. The origin of the name Mono-ha is unclear; although it would be translated roughly as 'school of things', the works of the Mono-ha artists are as much about the space and the interdependent relationships between those ‘things’ as they are about the 'things' themselves. Using materials such as earth, water, wood, metal, cotton, paper, stone and mirrors, the juxtaposition of natural and man-made materials -- left as far as possible in an unaltered state -- allowed materiality to speak for itself, almost entirely free of artistic intervention. Through this process, the Mono-ha artists aimed to abandon the 'creation' of 'things' and instead 'rearrange' 'things' into art works, drawing attention to complex relationships between material, space and viewers.
时 间:2007.5. 13 – 2007. 6. 24
开幕式: 2007.5.13 @3-5pm
研讨会: 2007.5.13 @10am-1pm
地点: 中央美术学院
主持: 黄笃、隋建国
参展艺术家 (日本): 关根伸夫、 菅木志雄、榎仓康二
参展艺术家(中国): 隋建国 、施慧、 朱金石
第一会场 : 北京东京艺术工程
参展艺术家: 李禹焕 、关根伸夫、 小清水渐、菅木志雄、榎仓康二、吉田克朗、成田克彦、高松次郎
第二会场: 之解蟹岛
参展艺术家: 隋建国、施慧、朱金石
参加评论家: 中原佑介 (NAKAHARA Yusuke) 、黄笃(Huang Du) 、Ch+arles Merewether, Simon Groom
媒体咨询,请联系/For more information, please contact: snejana.krasteva@tokyo-gallery.com
请阅览画廊的网站/You are also invited to visit our website: www.tolkyo-gallery.com
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